Information about man, health and fitness

Thursday, December 8, 2011

5 Things You Should Be Doing Each Day To Build Muscle

Are you ready to gain some muscle? Here are some general tips for changing up what you’ve already been doing in order to add some muscle. You don’t have to remodel your nutrition or training regimen – just tweak them a bit in order to see improvements!

1) Eat more than you ate yesterday

If you didn’t put on a bit of fat yesterday, then there is a very good chance that you may be able to add 50 to 100 calories to today’s diet without adding fat – which in conjunction with lifting and adequate sleep – can lead to more muscle growth. Keep track of your caloric intake using online tools or with a common spreadsheet. An added bonus is that since you won’t vary your food intake too much in terms of differing sources, you can cut and paste most of your record keeping after that first week of calorie counting.

2) Lift more than you did last time

Progress in the weight room only occurs when we lift more than we did the previous try. Use the 1 and 2.5 pound plates – they are your best friend when it comes to adding muscle mass. Just lift a bit more each time and the muscles will have no choice but to grow!

3) Taking your supplements by the clock

Your body will be able to make better use of the vitamins, minerals, and supplements you consume if you do so using a regular schedule. You couldn’t possibly imagine growing without a regularly scheduled pattern of sleep, training, or eating, right? So what makes you think you can just “wing it” when it comes to taking your supplements? Follow the clock and your body will grow accustomed to utilizing these compounds.

4) Treat whey protein as the fifth food group

Stop looking at whey protein as just another supplement. The truth of the matter is, it is a very valuable food. A complete protein, and a very fast digesting source of the amino acids you need for growth. You should plan your meals around your protein shakes, and always have a few scoops in a shaker bottle sitting around. If you ever notice it’s been 2.5 to 3 hours since your last gram of protein, simply drink up grams in less than a minute and keep muscle catabolism to a minimum.

5) Track your progress

Take weekly photographs in order to gauge your appearance against a common background. While the images will not vary much from week to week, comparing them over a period of months may lead you to discover just how far you have come. Or, if you’re not making changes, these photographs might be evidence enough that it’s time to change things up. Record your body fat using tools available at your gym, and use a tape measure to record your measurements on waist, biceps, chest, calves, and thighs. The tape never lies! Finally, weigh yourself once per week and track the data using a spreadsheet, matched up against your body fat numbers.


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