Information about man, health and fitness

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Chris Evans Avengers Workout

Chris Evans Avengers Workout
Chris Evans is suiting up once again as Captain America in the upcoming Avengers movie and since my last article on Chris Evans workout got over 100,000 views I thought it would be good to continue into the next level of training.

Just like his first time around, Chris is hitting the gym and hitting it hard!

But what’s he doing to get totally ripped? Keep reading to find out…
Let’s face it, who wouldn’t want to be in superhero shape? Chis’ workout was focused heavily on resistance training, with only minimal cardio – about 20 minutes a day.
He also had a personal trainer keeping him going. In a recent interview, Chris reported working out as much as 2 hours a day! But you can get in shape for your own superhero role in half that time if you train smart.
This workout is focused on packing on the muscle and leaning out, to get you ripped like never before! And make sure you don’t miss the section on diet – this was a key component of Chris Evans’ Avengers workout.
The Chris Evans Avengers Workout
Aim for hitting the gym at least 5 days a week, with an additional day where possible. For each exercise, do 4 sets at 8-10 reps (or until failure). 20 minutes of interval cardio training after every workout (alternating between high and low intensity every 2 minutes) will help keep you lean and toned.
Day 1: Legs
Day 2: Chest & Triceps
Day 3: Abs & Core
Day 4: Back & Biceps
Day 5: Shoulders
The Chris Evans Avengers Diet
Chris ate a lot of protein to stay in superhero shape, and he ate often, so it’s no surprise that he depended on protein shakes to keep his muscles fueled. He also cut out practically all sugar, fat, and salt – so that means no junk food. Here are some recommended supplements to help you pack on your own superhero muscle:
  • A tasty, satisfying whey protein supplement to support muscle growth. You can’t pack on muscle without more protein and by more I’m talking about 2-2.2 times your body weight in kg. Try Gaspari Nutrition Myofusion.
  • A pre-workout booster for energy and endurance, to help you get that extra pump and train like a superhero. Try Muscle Pharm’s latest and greatest – Muscle Pharm Assault.
  • An intra-workout supplement for improving muscle endurance and recovery. Try Scivation Xtend.
  • A recovery supplement like glutamine to aid in muscle repair and growth. Try Optimum Glutamine.


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