Information about man, health and fitness

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Creatine Supplement Guide

If you are interested in adding a creatine supplement to your diet, you should read this article first and get all the facts on 

this helpful body building supplement.

What is Creatine?
Creatine is a specific compound that has the ability to supply energy to your muscles. Our bodies make creatine naturally but it can also be found in many healthy foods, mostly in fresh meat. The compound is produced by our liver, pancreas and kidneys and is transported through our bloodstream to our muscles. As soon as it gets to the muscles it is converted into phosphocreatine. This is a high-powered metabolite that is used to replenish our muscles major energy source, ATP. As you exercise, your body’s ATP levels drop. Creatine helps to restore the ATP levels back to normal.

Creatine Found in Food

Along with being naturally provided by our bodies, creatine can also be found in many food items. It is primarily found in many fresh meats such as beef, pork, salmon and tuna. These meats will usually contain at least 2 grams of creatine per pound however creatine is very heat sensitive, so during cooking, a lot of the meat’s natural creatine is destroyed. Herring is known to contain anywhere from 3 to 4 grams per pound. Another food that is known to be very high in creatine is cranberries.
The Many Health Benefits of Creatine
Along with the ability to build up our body’s ATP levels after an intense workout, creatine can also have many other healthy benefits. Recent studies have shown that the supplement is able to lower the levels of serum homocysteine. Large quantities of serum homocysteine have been linked to many psychological and neurological disorders such as Alzheimer’s, dementia and depression.
Creatine can also be used as a powerful antioxidant and has been shown to be as highly effective in battling free radicals as gluthathione.
The supplement has also been shown to have positive effects against CHD or coronary heart disease. High serum homocysteine levels contribute to the onset of CHD and a proper intake of creatine can help to prevent this problem from occurring.
Using Creatine along with Vitamins B2, B6, B9 and B12 can optimize cellular methylation. Methylation helps to benefit both cell and muscle growth in the body. One of the highest rated and most powerful creatine supplements is BSN CellMass
And creatine is not only beneficial with muscle function but it also aids in empowering proper brain function. Creatine has been shown to help out with problem solving and those who suffer from short-term memory loss.


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