Information about man, health and fitness

Saturday, December 3, 2011

What Foods Make Your Muscles Bigger

Looking good can make you feel better about yourself. It has been proven that the physical appearance of a person matters on how people treat you and how they react towards you. To look bodily appealing you should well toned muscles. A six pack abs can really give an impression that you take care of yourself and that you can take care of others. That is why so many girls would look for a muscular guy for they embody strength and security. To have a good physique you have to grow your muscles and get rid of bulges. Improving your muscles means you have to engage in strength trainings such as weight and resistance trainings. Apart from that you also have to be mindful of the food you eat. The best foods to build muscle should be on your list when you come up with a diet plan.Food Muscles 300x225 What Foods Make Your Muscles Bigger
You would be surprise to know that you do not have to avoid eating food with fats. The best foods to build muscle should have dietary fats. This Essential Fatty Acids (EFA) which can be found in fish and nuts is important in multiplying your hormones. Also, fatty acids affect the level of testosterone. The higher your intake of fatty acids the more your testosterone level would shoot up. Avoid saturated fats; it can cause health concerns on you, like obesity, heart attack and stroke.
Protein rich foods are also the best foods to build muscle. The body needs the 8 essential amino acids in order to help the muscle grow and repair. You can only get these kinds of amino acids by the food you eat. Protein is the building block of amino acids that is why you have to consume large amount of food which are good source of protein. Meat, eggs, dairy products, fruits and vegetables are reliable source of protein.
Another type of best foods to build muscle is carbohydrate loaded foods. This is important since the body needs a sufficient source of energy and carbohydrates can provide this. This is vital in achieving good physique for the blood sugar influence the insulin which in turn would carry the dietary protein on your muscles. Brown rice, cereals, oat and legumes are good source of carbohydrate. You should also mind the amount of food you take and the combination. It does not mean when you eat less food you will get physically appealing. It only means that you are depriving yourself and make you store more fats on your body.


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