Information about man, health and fitness

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Lower Ab Workouts

Lower Ab Workouts

Lower Ab Workouts

Your abdominal and core muscles are an interesting group. But when it comes to having the body of your dreams, you really need to focus on your lower abs.
Of course the muscle tissue that makes up your lower abs really isn’t so different. Your rectus abdominis muscle is your most prominent abdominal muscle, and it extends from your mid-torso all the way to below your waistline. So you can’t necessarily only work out your lower abs, but you can definitely engage your abs in a way that is particularly effective for the lower range.
Generally speaking, any abdominal exercise that engages your legs and lower body will improve the focus on your lower abs. And in the end, these exercises will make a significant visual impact.
Lower Ab Workouts
Here are 3 workouts to really focus on your lower abs. Incorporate them into your core routine, or squeeze them in before your weight training workout.
Beginner Lower Ab Workout

Perform 2-3 sets of all exercises, depending on your time. For each exercise, do the number of reps that you need to reach muscle failure/fatigue. Generally, you should be doing 15-20 reps per set.
Intermediate Lower Ab Workout
Perform 3 sets of all exercises, depending on your time. For each exercise, do the number of reps that you need to reach muscle failure/fatigue. Generally, you should be doing 15-20 reps per set.
Advanced Lower Ab Workout
Perform 3 sets of all exercises, depending on your time. For each exercise, do the number of reps that you need to reach muscle failure/fatigue. Generally, you should be doing 15-20 reps per set.
Choose the workout that works best for you, and watch the way your body transforms itself.

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