Exercises to boost your strength and stability for trail running
Jumping Lunge
Works key running muscles while building power and stability
To do: Start in a lunge position with equal weight on both legs. Jump straight up into the air and land with your feet in opposite positions, and immediately lower down into a lunge. Do three sets of 20 reps, alternating legs on each jump.
Monster Walk
Works the glutes, which power you up hills and stabilize the hips
To do: With a resistance band around your ankles, step forward and out to the left with your left leg. Then bring your right leg up to meet your left before stepping out diagonally to the right. Continue for 10 steps. Then walk backward in the same way. Do three sets.
One-Legged Jump
Boosts balance; preps the body for moving in varied directions (rather than straight forward)
To do: Stand on your right leg. Drop into a half squat (going only partially down). Jump diagonally to your left. Land in a half squat on your left leg. Repeat, jumping diagonally to your right. Do 10 reps on each leg for three to five sets.
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Tightrope Walk
Strengthens the glutes and proprioceptors, sensory receptors that help with stability
To do: Place a resistance band around your ankles. Lift your right leg out to your side, then put it down in front of your left foot. Alternate legs, taking 30 steps forward, then retrace your steps backward. Do three sets.
Single-Leg Balance
Strengthens foot and ankle muscles and proprioceptors
To do: Stand on a BOSU trainer. Lift one leg up, bending your standing leg slightly. Stay in this position for as long as you can until your muscles become fatigued and cause you to lose your balance. Repeat three to five times. Try it with your eyes closed as well.
Provided by Runner's World - msn.com