Kick your metabolism into high gear with this post-workout circuit.
This metabolically spiking finisher will kick your calorie burn into high gear during and after your workout, thanks for the EPOC (excess post-exercise oxygen consumption) phenomenon. Basically, it takes energy to return your body to its pre-workout state, thus increasing your metabolism for hours after your workout. Also, this type of finisher will improve your GPP (general physical preparedness) and overall fitness level. This will allow you to do more during the main portion of your workout, resulting in a fitter, bigger, and stronger you.
The metabolic cardio mix-up incorporates sprints with body weight exercises for 10-minutes of hell fun. Perform the circuit below as many times in a row in 10-minutes. Perform twice a week with the aim of getting more work done in the 10-minute time frame.
Set up a treadmill at a level 5.0 incline and at a speed you can maintain for 15-seconds. Leave the treadmill on during the entire finisher (use the handrails to jump on and off).
Get a TRX ready on a pull up bar for suspension pushups, grab a 5kg slam ball and a skipping rope.
Metabolic cardio mix-up:
1) 15-second treadmill hill sprint (incline level 5.0)
2) 15 suspension pushups
3) 10 split lunge jumps per side (perform alternating)
4) 5 pull-ups
5) 15-second treadmill hill sprint
6) 50 hops skipping rope
7) 5 tuck jumps
8) 15 suspension mountain climbers per side
9) 20 jumping jacks
10) 10 overhead medicine ball slams