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Thursday, July 11, 2013

Training Program for Weight Loss

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training program for weight loss

Trying to lose weight but keep missing the mark?

Weight loss can be a big challenge for a lot of reasons. So I thought it was time for a complete training program for weight loss.

The trick is finding balance between all components: cardio fitness, resistance training, and diet. Remember – these things just won’t cut it on their own.

Let’s jump right in…

Complete Training Program for Weight Loss

Clean Up Your Diet – When it comes to weight loss, everything starts with your diet. And eating right should not be complicated. Start by throwing out the fad diets you’ve been struggling with and aim for some basic lifestyle changes.

Cut down on sugars, unhealthy fats, sodium, and junk food. Add more veggies, fibre, and lean protein, including a variety of lean protein sources that will help support muscle growth.

Adding a protein supplement to your diet is a great way to get more protein. Gaspari Nutrition Myofusion is one of the best options out there. I also recommend adding a natural metabolism booster to your diet, like Irwin Naturals Green Tea Fat Metabolizer. It will help give you the jumpstart you need.

Get Moving – You can’t lose a lot of weight without moving your body, simply put. So here’s a 6 week plan to help you shed the pounds. The trick is changing things up on a regular basis and constantly challenging yourself. This training program will help you do just that!

Weeks 1 & 2 – Lay the Groundwork

The Plan: Cardio & resistance training 4 days/week. Aim for 3 sets of 10-12 reps.

Day 1: 20 mins cardio, 30 mins weights – legs and shouldersDay 2: 20 mins cardio, 30 mins weights – abs and coreDay 3: 20 mins cardio, 30 mins weights – back and bicepsDay 4: 20 mins cardio, 30 mins weights – chest and triceps

Weeks 3 & 4 – Hit It Hard

The Plan: Cardio 3 days/week, high intensity interval training (HIIT – see link here) 2 days/week, resistance training 5 days/week. Aim for 4-5 sets of 8-10 reps.

Day 1: 20 mins cardio, 40 mins weights – shouldersDay 2: 15 mins HIIT, 45 mins weights – abs and coreDay 3: 20 mins cardio, 40 mins weights – chest and backDay 4: 15 mins HIIT, 45 mins weights – legsDay 5: 20 mins cardio, 40 mins weights – biceps and triceps

Weeks 5 & 6 – Get Ripped

The Plan: Cardio 2 days/week, HIIT 3 days/week, resistance training 5 days/week. Aim for 3-4 sets of 12-15 reps.

Day 1: 20 mins HIIT, 40 mins weights – chest and bicepsDay 2: 30 mins cardio, 30 mins weights – abs and coreDay 3: 20 mins HIIT, 40 mins weights – back and tricepsDay 4: 30 mins cardio, 30 mins weights – shouldersDay 5: 20 mins HIIT, 40 mins weights – legs

So there you have it, a complete 3-month training program for weight loss. After your first 6 weekss, I recommend taking a one-week rest period before starting again or challenging your body in new ways.

Just make sure you’re supporting your work at the gym with a amino acid supplement like >Scivation Xtend and a post-workout supplement like Optimum Glutamine to support muscle repair and recovery. These will help you see results faster!

Have any questions or feedback about this training program for weight loss? Please leave a comment below…

Tagged as: diet, eating right, get ripped, high intensity training, lose weight, resistance training, Training Program for Weight Loss, weight loss

Sam Omidi is the founder of Weight Loss and Training and is accredited with a Bachelors in Kinesiology as well as certification in Nutritional Sciences, Personal Training and Advanced Exercise Nutrition. Follow Sam via Twitter @samomidi

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