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Friday, August 2, 2013

Once a Week Abs Workout

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once a week abs workout

There are a few different approaches to working out your abs, but in my experience, the best approach is to treat them like any other muscle group.

The most effective way to condition and strengthen any muscle group is to reach muscle fatigue or failure in every workout. What this means is working each muscle group to exhaustion, and then allowing at least 48 hours for recovery. To this end, a very focused workout plan that targets only 1 or 2 muscle groups a day is ideal.

Not only is this an effective way to increase size and strength, it’s also great for boosting your metabolism, which is everything when it comes to your abs.

Here’s an example of a focused, muscle-building workout plan:

Monday: Chest & TricepsTuesday: Back & BicepsWednesday: LegsThursday: ShouldersFriday: Abs & CoreSaturday & Sunday: Rest

As you can see, a dedicated, once-a-week abs workout fits perfectly in a workout routine like this. Generally speaking, I’d recommend a minimum of 40 minutes per workout each day.

The Best Weekly Abs Workout Routine

Today, I’m outlining the best once-a-week abs workout to fit into your routine. If you’re ready to get serious about your abs, this is the routine for you.

Before we get into the workout, I’m also recommending that you add a serious energy boosting supplement to your routine. USPLabs Jack3d is still one of the best energy boosters you can find, and it will give you some killer results in very little time.

If you’re looking for something a little more subtle, try drinking Vita Coco Coconut Water before your workouts. It’s full of natural vitamins and electrolytes to keep you moving.

Ready for the workout? Let’s get to it…

For each set, aim for between 15 and 30 reps. Your abs are a smaller muscle group, so you have to work them a little differently than your other muscle groups. Rest for 15-20 seconds between sets.

For optimal results, follow up this weekly abs workout with a protein shake using a high quality, time release protein supplement like Optimum 100% Natural Casein.

Not only will it fuel your muscles, it will also boost your metabolism and help you shred that unwanted belly fat. Remember, one of the biggest factors in getting sexy, six pack abs is metabolism. Without burning off more belly fat, you’ll never see the results you’re looking for!

Have any questions or feedback about this Once a Week Abs Workout? Please leave a comment below…

Tagged as: ab workout, abdominal workout, abs routine, abs workout, Once a Week Abs Workout, once a week workout, weekly ab routine, weekly ab workout

Sam Omidi is the founder of Weight Loss and Training and is accredited with a Bachelors in Kinesiology as well as certification in Nutritional Sciences, Personal Training and Advanced Exercise Nutrition. Follow Sam via Twitter @samomidi

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