With summer coming to an end, it’s the perfect time to seriously re-evaluate your workout routine. And I’ve got the perfect 4-week plan to get you ripped and back at the top of your game.
If you’re like me, you’ve probably indulged a little more than usual this summer. But all those cocktails and barbecued meals don’t have to put a damper on your fitness goals. All you need is the right approach as you head into the fall – a solid combination of a healthy, metabolism-boosting diet and a killer workout plan.
Today, you’re getting the latter of the two with a 4 week fitness plan specifically designed to getting you ripped. This one’s going to jumpstart your fitness goals and make up for all that summer fun!
4 Week Fitness Plan to Get Seriously Ripped
I’m keeping things pretty simple with this 4 week plan, but hopefully this approach will really change things up for you and take you one step further than that same old routine.
This 4 week plan involves only 2 workouts that you’re going to alternate. At minimum, I want you hitting the gym 3 days a week. So Week 1 might include alternating circuits of Workout A, Workout B, and Workout A, with the following week running through Workout B, Workout A, and Workout B. But if you’re feeling up to it, definitely go for 4 workouts a week.
Both workouts target different muscle groups, but all exercises are focused on increasing lean muscle mass and boosting your metabolism in the process. In combination, these 2 factors will get you looking toned and ripped in no time!
Here are the workouts…
Workout A
Run through each exercise in order, resting for no more than 30 seconds between sets. Repeat the circuit at least 3 times. Perform 8-12 reps per set.
Workout B
Run through each exercise in order, resting for no more than 30 seconds between sets. Repeat the circuit at least 3 times. Perform 8-12 reps per set.
The next step is to add at least 2 cardio days per week and you can either do it after these workouts or on alternate days. If you’re goal is really to get ripped then work up to this ultimate treadmill workout. If you’re having a hard time getting your butt to the gym, make no excuses and have a powerful, pre-workout supplement like the plant-based natural Vega Sport Pre-Workout Energizer or my all time fave SuperPump Max.
4 Week Diet Plan for Getting Ripped
If you’re looking for a solid muscle building diet plan to go along with this 4-week workout routine, try my Muscle Toning Meal Plan. I also recommend taking a look at my Cutting Diet to help you see that ripped definition you’re looking for.
Sam Omidi is the founder of Weight Loss and Training and is accredited with a Bachelors in Kinesiology as well as certification in Nutritional Sciences, Personal Training and Advanced Exercise Nutrition. Follow Sam via Twitter @samomidi
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