All happiness isn’t created equal. Some forms of joy can fire up genes linked to chronic stress and inflammation, suggests new research from the University of North Carolina.
The study found that hedonic happiness—physical pleasures like a good meal—causes your body to turn on DNA associated with things like heart disease and arthritis. But happiness that comes from a selfless place, like helping a buddy move, has the opposite effect and shuts down those genes.
Hedonic pleasures are like empty calories, says study author Barbara L. Fredrickson, Ph.D. Alone, they might make you feel good, but the lack of greater purpose puts your body into threat mode, activating genes linked with stress, she explains.
Does that mean every time you enjoy something physical—like sex or a great burger—you’re one step closer to your doom? Thankfully, no.
“Most people experience both forms of happiness together,” Fredrickson says. In other words, if you’re out enjoying a brew with the guys, you’ll experience the physical pleasure of the beer, but also the sense of community from being with your friends. Ditto sex, where the raw thrill comes coupled with connectedness.
If you want to supercharge your good happiness levels, volunteer with friends—it reduces stress levels in 78 percent of people who do it, according to recent research by United Health Group.
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