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Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Steel Core MMA Abs Workout Routine

Steel Core
Hit your core hard and forge a midsection of steel with this no nonsense abs workout that includes many top exercises used by competitive MMA athletes.

Workout Summary

Main Goal:
Sports Performance
Workout Type:
Single Muscle Group
Training Level:
Days Per Week:
Equipment Required:
Bodyweight, Medicine Ball
Target Gender:
Male & Female

Workout Description

The following MMA abs workout can be perform 2-3 times per week on non-consecutive training days. Some of the exercises are nonconventional, and descriptions are provided below.
Medicine Ball Sit Up to Leg Extension. Lie down on the floor, legs down. Grab a medicine ball and extend your arms, placing the ball upon the floor. This is the starting position.
Keeping your feet together, sit up while drawing your knees up towards your hands. Place the medicine ball by your ankles, and slowly return your body to the starting position of the exercise, making sure to maintain control of the ball. Sit up again in the same way, this time grabbing the medicine ball. Return to the starting position.
This complete cycle is one rep.
Thai Plank. Lie down on the floor in a plank position, resting on your elbows. From here, lift your leg and elbow and rotate into a side plank position. Next, bring your free elbow and knee together, and then extend them back to the starting position, and rotate back down into a plank position.
Medicine Ball Gut Shredder. Get into a fighting stance, holding a medicine ball directly in front of you. Quickly explode the medicine ball downward while raising your knee, like you are trying to deliver a knee blow to an opponent's face.
Thai Crucifix. This exercise is performed exactly like the Thai plank. Instead of resting on your elbow, you rest on your hand. From this position, bring your free elbow and knee together and then extend them back to the starting position of the exercise.
Standing Knee to Elbow. Stand with arms extended overhead. Lower your right elbow while raising your right knee until they touch. Return to the starting position of the exercise, and then touch your left elbow to your left knee. 
This complete cycle is one rep.
Abdominal Air Bike. See video.
Side Crunch. See video.
Tighten The Core. Lie on the floor in a crunch position. Tightening the core as much as possible, drop a medicine ball from a shallow depth onto your abs.

Steel Core MMA Abs Workout Routine

MMA Abs Workout
Perform 2-3x Per Week
Medicine Ball Sit Up to Leg Extension150
Thai Plank125*
Medicine Ball Gut Shredder150*
Thai Crucifix125*
Standing Knee to Elbow150*
Abdominal Air Bike150*
Side Crunch150*
Tighten the Core310-15
* Reps are per side.

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