Information about man, health and fitness

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Are you immune to exercise?


by Cindy Kuzma July 12, 2013, 05:25 o'clock EDT

All those miles low blood sugar could not help.

Have high blood sugar? Some people can their way to lower tier sweating - but others do not, even if they lose weight, new research published in JAMA internal medicine says.

In the study people with type 2 diabetes or prediabetes walked or drove four at a moderate intensity-up to five times per week for 12 weeks. To the end she had shed an average of 10 pounds, and had reduced many blood sugar levels.

But the therapy is not for everyone. People with higher blood sugar levels had a more difficult time, to make sure that even if they lost weight with exercise. You win not so much fitness as on a treadmill test measured.

Many factors - including some in your genes encode - could explain why the exercise for some and others does not, says Lauren Sparks, Ph.d., research associate at the Translational was Research Institute metabolism and diabetes, which involved with this study. Certain genes in your muscle cells as roadblocks that prevent the metabolic change as reaction affect physical activity.

However, do not take these results for a get-out-of-the-gym-free card. Although some improvements in the study do not see, "we do not know whether their blood sugar and fitness would deteriorate if she had started the exercise program does not", sparks says.

If your blood sugar resistant alone to exercise is, you need more than a tactic to lower readings. A step: Download on legumes, recommends that Daniel Nadeau, m.d., Medical Director of the diabetes program at York Hospital in Maine. Their blood sugar control improved after 3 months, according to a study published last year in the archives of internal medicine people with diabetes who daily ate a cup of beans, chickpeas and lentils.

And add strength training to your welding sessions: Harvard researchers found that 2.5 hours per week weightlifting reduce type 2 diabetes risk by around 34 percent in men, while it combine with heart cut the risk by 59 percent. Both increase the number of muscle fibers, you have lift and also helps their muscle cells glucose for energy more efficiently, the researchers say.

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