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Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Avoid all your problems!


by Cassie Shortsleeve 11 July 2013, 05:50 pm EDT

Hey, no apartment!

Throw in the towel - then get them later. People, to avoid the temporary problems are more satisfied than those, who wish them way, the University of Toronto says new research.

In the study, students with "cognitive avoidance techniques" – apartment does not have their problems, but mentally they separate for a period of time — dealt with conflict about school, family, and work better and were overall more content.

So, as your body needs rest to recharge if you are sick with flu, illustrates the research that you reflect back helps to give your brain a break from stress, says study author Bonnie Hayden Cheng.

But there is a fine line between zoning out and escapism. Hoping your problems disappear carries connotations of distorted perception and irrational thinking – both are associated with depression, says Cheng.

How to check the right way out? Mental defense stressors. For some people means that vegging out music. For others, finally begin to 5K-Trainingsplan could do the trick – the key is to ease your mind and temporarily distracted by work or family disputes, says Cheng.

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