Information about man, health and fitness

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Like hot women help stress


by Markham Heid 04:56 o'clock EDT on 10 July 2013

"Take that cortisol!"

Do you feel supported? Look at porn. Sexy pictures can help you stress, finds new research from Carnegie Mellon University.

After men spent a few minutes looking at erotic pictures (think Victoria's secret catalog), were their bodies freak-out answers halve compared to guys, which her wrists photos viewed. That's not all. Men hot pictures the study looked almost 50 percent played better on the math part of a stress test, shows.

When you are stressed, your body produces a hormone called cortisol more, which stimulates the nervous system and disturbs your brain problem solving competencies, says study co-author J. David Creswell, Ph.d. Creswell research shows however, that stimulate your brain reward pathways with erotic images appears to limit the stress cortisol response.

Before you XTube - and win a trip to the human resources department - here is demanding fire on your work PC to manage your boss the kicker: the boys in the study limited to the sexy photos before the stressful task, so it is not clear whether views on hot pictures mild can you after you are already stressed. However, issued ticket reservations suggest a few minutes erotic at the beginning of the day can help you calm and mentally capable crunch time stay, research.

If dirt are not morning for you, try something safer - and scientifically proven. Here are 52 ways to hunt down stress.

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