by Cindy Kuzma 19 July 2013, 03:43 in the EDT

March, more than 15,000 skiers race 56 miles of the Swedish countryside. Journal the winner claims a prize worth around $10,000 - and a higher risk of irregular heartbeat, according to a new study in the European heart.
Researchers followed more than 50,000 skiers had completed the race. Compared to those on the back of the Pack, skier, had who the fastest completed a 30 percent higher risk of developing bradycardia (slow heart rate) or atrial fibrillation (fast and irregular movements in the upper Chambers of the heart). And athletes who had done at least five races had a 30 percent higher risk of these conditions than those who had driven the route only once.
The results confirm what docs have been known for a while: "If athletes training heavily in endurance sports, the heart muscle expands and compresses the pumping Chamber," says Kevin Campbell, m.d., cardiologist at the wake heart & vascular in Raleigh, North Carolina. This extension can cause that the Atria of the heart - or top Chambers - to irregular quiver. And training the heart increased efficiency leads to slower beats.
This type of heart rhythm changes have dangers. Atrial fibrillation can increase the risk of stroke, pain in the chest or heart failure, and bradycardia can cause to spread, says Dr. Campbell.
But this is important: you should not prevent the results to keep fit, especially since the skiers had no increase in the more dangerous forms of cardiac arrhythmia or sudden death, the authors say the study. That is, if you're competitive hard - or heavy endurance training - ask risk for underlying heart check your doctor about screenings, recommends Dr. Campbell.
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