Information about man, health and fitness

Monday, January 6, 2014

Rise Above: Meet Tyler McPeak

Athlete, trainer and fitness model Tyler McPeak will whip you into shape with his four-week lean-mass-building workout.

Tyler McPeak
A personal trainer working in Nashville, TN, Tyler’s story is a powerful reminder that the road to results can take a few unexpected turns. At 18, he was 6’3” and had a body that seemed better suited to the basketball court than the gym. In fact, all throughout high school, he only lifted occasionally and without much enthusiasm.

But after seeing a friend achieve some solid results, Tyler decided to give the gym another shot. This time it stuck, and he eventually learned to love the rush of the pump. But like a lot of novices, he had more enthusiasm than expertise, and his commitment ended at the dinner table. 

 This ultimately left him unhappy with the way he looked and felt. So he got back in the gym and rededicated himself to building his training expertise and physique to a whole new level. “Once my body started to change, I became obsessed with the hunger for more.”

Fast forward to today, and Tyler has become widely recognized for his shredded physique, training knowledge and positive outlook. In April, 2013, he was sponsored by Champion Performance™ and joined its team of elite athletes.
“Ever since pursuing fitness and personal training, it's always been a goal and dream of mine to be sponsored by a supplement company, and I'm so thankful to be representing Champion Performance! Being a part of such a great team pushes me even harder to keep improving my physique and inspiring others to show them that hard work does pay off.”


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