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Sunday, May 15, 2016

Triceps Gone Heavy

We are all so accustomed to training isolation, or single-joint movements in the higher rep ranges. The idea is that our joints are not equipped to handle serious resistance and that more moderate loads are the safer bet. But that's not true. Safety is paramount, of course, but there is a weight that your smaller muscles – delts, biceps, triceps, etc. – can handle at those heavier loads. And your triceps, a key muscle group for pressing of any kind, are just begging for you to add some weight to your workouts.
This simple routine focuses mainly on isolation moves that can help to build your triceps' girth and arm extension strength. By keeping things to the 6-8 rep range for the first three moves, you're enhancing that lockout prowess that it takes to move more weight on the bench and overhead presses. A final, muscle-scorching drop set flushes the triceps with blood and reaches down to fry any remaining muscle fiber types that you may have missed.

The Workout

Kneeling V-Bar Pressdown46-8
Bench Dip 46-8
Seated Overhead Dumbbell Extension46-8
Rope Pressdown 112-15*

The Moves

Kneeling V-Bar Pushdowns: I like doing this exercise from the kneeling position because it prevents you from using your bodyweight to push the weight down. I like to start with two warm-up sets to get the elbow joint and arms warmed up.
Bench Dips: Dips between benches really focus on the triceps, especially the lateral head. If needed, you can have a partner stack weight on the tops of your thighs to make the exercise more challenging.
Seated Overhead Dumbbell Extension: Choose a single dumbbell that won't cause you to arch your back. A low-back bench is best for this exercise. Keep your shoulder blades and back against the bench. You will also want to make sure to keep your elbows tucked in close to assure proper engagement of your meaty, long head.
Rope Pressdown: This works great if you have a workout partner but if you don't, no need to worry. You will perform a drop set on this exercise, repping to failure with a weight you can handle for 12-15 reps, then continuing on to failure 3-4 more times in this manner until you can only do 4-6 reps.

Nathan Mikeska, CPT, is a certified personal trainer and nutritionist originally from Kittanning, Pennsylvania. For more of his work, click here.

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