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There are some fundamental differences you can make in order to win a game of rapid weight loss and this article is going to show you some powerful techniques to implement for greater success.
The main focus will be on your core because even though you may not notice it, the core is where you gain all your foundational strength from.
In other words, if you are one of those people who have noticed lately that you should be seeing faster results than you are, then this article will be of great help in allowing you to push past that barrier.
Rapid Weight Loss: Step 1
The first and most important step you should always be aware of is your posture when exercising, especially when you are training with weights.
This and for this reason only is why most gyms have so many mirrors! It’s not so you can check other people out, or see how good you look, but rather so that you can watch your form.
So what should you be watching with respect to your form? Let’s break it down:
Shoulder blades back – in all honesty I can’t think of one exercise where you shouldn’t have your shoulder blades back so that they are not rounded forward. You want to see your body have a straight line down from your head to your toes and this ties directly into your core…
Core tight – if you’re in the gym with me you’ll hear me constantly reminding you of keeping your core tight and shoulder blades back especially when any exercise is challenging your stability. This will allow you to use the right muscles for the exercise and at the same time burn extra calories by working your core muscles.
Feet shoulder width apart – with any weight baring exercise such as squats, it is especially important to make sure your feet are shoulder width apart and that your knees are directly above your feet. This stance will protect your knees, hips and lower back.
Rapid Weight Loss: Step 2
Our core muscles include the abs, obliques (love handles) and lower back so you can only imagine how active they are in every movement we make throughout the day. Just think about the amount of times we are lifting things, sitting down and up, and bending forward to get shoes on, clean etc.
So with this in mind, it should be obvious to us that the number one reason lower back pain is of epidemic proportions around the world is because the core muscles are too weak to support our upper body weight.
Get in the gym and mix it up with core exercises, don’t stick with just sit-ups. I’ve got a ton of these kind of workouts for you in the workouts and training section of the site but here is one of my fave’s:
3 sets x 30 seconds | Stability ball plank (view image)
3 sets x 20 seconds | Side planks (both sides is one set) (view image)
3 sets x 12 reps | Ab crunches on stability ball (view image)
3 sets x 10 reps | Stability ball pull-in (view image)
3 sets x 20 reps | Mountain Climbers (view image)
3 sets x 10 reps | Hanging leg raises (view image)
3 sets x 10 reps | Stability ball back extensions (view image)
Rapid Weight Loss: Step 3
It’s easy to think that doing thousands and thousands of sit-ups is going to get you rapid weight loss and killer abs, but the truth is actually quite surprising because you don’t need to stress out about. In fact, I’ve found the best results occur with a workout like the above once or twice a week, and then keeping in mind your core with all other exercises throughout the rest of the week.
A better strategy is to always mix it up and keep your body from getting used to one kind of core workout. A simple way to mix it up is to change the order and number of reps or switching between a bosu ball and a stability board for example.
Rapid Weight Loss: Step 4
For rapid weight loss goals, add in high intensity interval training (HIIT) once a week. I like to put this at the end of my workout week because it saps all your energy and your body needs a few days to recover.
If you’re wondering what an example of a HIIT training session would look like, then nothing and I mean nothing will give results like my ultimate treadmill workout. I’ve compared this to top selling DVD’s like P90X and Insanity Workouts and the results are right on par.
Rapid Weight Loss: Step 5
With all the above mentioned there are definitely some diet guidelines we will need to follow in order to make sure we get our muscles all the nutrients they need to grow, recover and get stronger and leaner with a great sexy tone.
Adequate pre and post workout nutrition is a must. You can’t really go wrong with whey protein fruit smoothies since the whey protein provides the highest quality and most effective uptake of essential amino acids into your muscles which are necessary for their growth and recovery. The fruit also provides clean energy in the form of fructose sugar so you can be as intense as you can during your workouts.
Pair this with some glutamine powder and you have a power muscle recovery drink which is healthier and better tasting then anything else out there. It is a part of my daily routine and I love trying different fruit all the time to keep it interesting.
For a great tasting vanilla flavour try Optimum 100% Natural Whey and for high quality glutamine try Scivation Xtend.
Other than these, a diet rich in fruit, veggies and lean meat like fish is the most powerful in providing all the right ingredients for quickest muscle recovery time. I like to supplement with NOW Ultra Omega-3 since getting enough fish can be quite challenging at times and NOW supplements is the most trusted brand when it comes to high quality filtered oil so you aren’t exposed to the toxic chemicals most fish in our food chain are so susceptible to.
Lastly, if you want to try a thermogenic stimulator to help you burn fat even faster then you may want to consider a new one in the market that is getting some very awesome reviews – Muscle Pharm Shred Matrix.
There you have it, 5 complete steps to follow to create a killer foundational core which will give you a sex looking physique to show for all your hard work. Just remember, keep your shoulder blades back and core tight and the results will speak for themselves!
Have any questions, or feedback about Rapid Weight Loss? Please leave me a comment below…
Tagged as: 100% natural whey, core exercises, core workout, High Intensity Interval Training, lower back pain, muscle recovery, rapid weight loss, weight loss goals, weight loss tips, workout nutrition, workouts and trainingSam Omidi is the founder of Weight Loss and Training and is accredited with a Bachelors in Kinesiology as well as certification in Nutritional Sciences, Personal Training and Advanced Exercise Nutrition. Follow Sam via Twitter @samomidi
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